Published 2007-06-18 00:00:19

Other than Enums which are now created and available in Javascript, I've tidied up the generation code quite a bit, so static methods are generated correctly. Less brute force generation is used, and made a start on the documentation generation.

So now most of the donkey work of the bindings are done, it's down to the last 20% (the long tail from what I've been reading recently). Something like the main developer[s] get's 80% of the project done, but since there's always those little niggly things that dont work it takes 1000's of developers to fix the last 20%... - interesting statistic, which explains why it's such a pain fixing all those bugs that crop up..

Anyway The GtkDjavascript Manual has been born.. While again not quite ready for production, (It desperately needs user comments, Enums, Signals ,hrefs linking all together and many other things.). I think it's a step in the right direction.

The navbar, and the XML method descriptions are generated from the code generation script. (The main body is a nice example of extjs - and should be portable to gtkdjs eventually) -

The biggest bug on the docs is that stuff that is manually overriden (eg. Gtk.init()) is flagged as broken in the manual. as I've not added any code to add the fact I've overridden it to the manual docs..

Anyway.. ticking along nicely.. now I wonder how much use it is....

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